El Nido

Day 19: El Nido, PhilippinesImagine stumbling upon a place that no one else has discovered, well it’s not completely uninhabited but imagine a place that has not been compromised by tourists, pollution, traffic, noise, imagine a private Eden shared amongst friends who share in cooking, cleaning, working, not out of any capitalistic or egotistic means…

Paradise Found

Day 18: El Nido, Philippines Greetings from Paradise. After a 5 hour flight to Manila, 1 hour to Palawan, 8 hour by bus from Puerto Princesa I have finally arrived in El Nido. Before I go on, I have to say that this is the best place I have ever been to, narrowly nudging out…


Day 17: Puerto Princesa, PhilippinesKamusta.So I haven’t posted for a few days, needless to say I am still alive and well, thanks for asking.Left Manila on Wednesday afternoon bound for Palawan, the wild fronteir region of the Philippines. The unfortunate part of my trip is that I have put myself under considerable pressure as far…


Day 15: Manila, Philippines I tell you what’s really annoying is that once you get the hang of how a city works it’s time to leave. That’s generally how I feel about Manila now it’s time to move to the next leg of the journey, Palawan. One thing that I found very confusing to start…

Hobbiton in the Philippines

Day 14: Manila, PhilippinesThe Road goes ever on and onDown from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has goneAnd I must follow, if I can Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet.And whither then? I cannot say.-The Lord of the Rings…


Day 13: Singapore Got into Singapore and headed straight to a backpacker place in Little India. It’s been a long time since I have slept in dorm accomodation but it was actually quite comfortable (and cheap). The thing about these sort of joints is the people there are ultra friendly, far removed from the keep-to-themselves…

Swap it Out

Day 11: Singapore The backpack is mighty full right now and just getting by under the 15kg weight category that the airlines are offering (now sitting at 13kg), which makes it very hard to take advantage of all the great shopping opportunities that Asia has to offer. I’m considering buying a Netbook and DVD drive…

Chorenrit Represents

Day 10: Thongsala, Koh Phagnan, Thailand   So it’s time to say goodby to Koh Phagnan and the trip finished with a bang at the much anticipated Fight Night at the Cobra Stadium, Thongsala. The English lads Zac and Izaak did Chorenrit Muay Thai school proud with both of them winning their fights, by knockout…

Jeffrey Lee R.I.P

Day 9: Thongsala, Koh Phagnan, Thailand   Ferris Bueller: ‘Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it’ -Ferris Bueller’s Day Off   Sage words indeed. Last week I received the sad news that Jeffrey Lee was killed in a motorbike accident in Kuala Lumpur…

Witness the Fitness

Day 8: Thongsala, Koh Phagnan, Thailand Well, the first week of my trip is over. On Thursday I will depart from this island paradise bound for Singapore and the Malaysian Warriors vs Singapore Wombats game, I think that it’s fair to say that after the vast amount of training I completed last week, fitness is…